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Tips for buskers

So you feel inspired to take to the streets and join The Busking Challenge? Great! Here are a few tips to help you get started.

  • Pick a good spotYou want a place with plenty of people around to hear you, but not one that's too noisy. Pedestrianised streets in town centres, with attractive shops and cafés to lure passers-by but not too much traffic noise, are ideal. Avoid train stations - people there tend to be in a hurry so are less likely to stop to listen or donate to a busker.

  • Check the local rules and regulations. Busking is tolerated - even encouraged - in most places, but local regulations do differ. Some towns, for example, stipulate that buskers should not remain in the same spot for more than half an hour. Be sure to check the local rules and comply.

  • Put high-value notes and coins in your collecting basket to start you off! People are highly influenced by what they see others are doing. So it's a good idea to place a couple of twenty or ten Euro notes and 2 Euro coins in your basket (or hat, or violin case...) before you start, to give people the idea that your music-making deserves to be lavishly rewarded!

  • Put up a sign featuring the hashtag #thebusking challenge and the name and website of the Fistula Foundation. You could also print a QR code that links to this website, so that people who are interested can find out more at their leisure.

  • Nervous? Tell me about it. Even though I've been busking many times now, I always feel scared to start. But once one or two pasers-by give you a positive reaction - whether by dropping a coin into your basket, stopping to listen for a while, or even just smiling or giving you a thumbs-up as they walk past - it feels so encouraging. Bring a friend for moral support - and to film a short video of you busking to share on social media with the hashtag #thebuskingchallenge!

Above all, have fun! Remember, the Busking Challenge is about harnessing the extraordinary power of music and art to make a positive impact on people's lives!

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